Thursday, September 24, 2009

Portfolio Updated

I've added a new album to the website portfolio.  I am now sharing my Facebook - Word Of The Day illustrations.  I've had some fun drawings come out of this project and now I'd like to share it.  Please visit my portfolio at:

I've also added some sketchbook drawings to the "Random Sketches & Doodles" album.

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Facebook Fan Page & News

If you have a Facebook account, I would like you to know that I am pretty active on there with posting recent art.  I should probably incorporate some of that art onto this blog and the better pieces should be added to my portfolio. 

I began a new fan participation some time ago called "Word Of The Day", where Fans on my page give me a word and I interpret that word into an illustration.  It's been fun.

At the moment, however, I am taking a break from Word Of The Day because I am about to begin a new book illustration contract!  Woohoo!  It should only take a couple of months, so please join anyway to see what I'm up to and to participate in Word Of The Day when I get started back up on it.

Become a fan on my Facebook Page! Click here to visit and join.

Also, I have decided to combine this blog with the News blog I had up on my site separately.  It just made no sense to have two separate blogs.  This blog is also merged into my notes section on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are already a member there, you will begin to also see any updates I post here.
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