Thursday, December 9, 2010


For those of you accessing my Facebook page, I would like you to know that for a while I will be adding any relevant posts or artwork through my blog. These posts should be automatically added to my FB page, as that is how I have it set up. Hopefully this is the case, because, at the moment, I have no access to my page and hope my fans are not slipping away from me!
I hope everyone is keeping well and getting ready for the start of a new year! Best wishes to all, and please don't stop visiting or checking in on my website. My services are always available, so if you have questions, feel free to email me via my website. Again, I do not have access to my FB page, so I can't see any questions you may post on the wall.Ads by Yahoo!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In a slump...

I didn't realize how long I've not drawn something for the sake of it for this fan page. I'm sorry about my absence in that area.

I've been very tired with latest schedule and find myself filling freetime with well, downtime. Major slump, which also meant no inspiration or motivation to draw much and that is very bad. I could go rusty again.

So, I'm going to start trying again.

I would love to go back to doing WOTD, but I worry about skipping too many days and then giving up again. Perhaps I can still handle WOTW.

What do you all think?

Also, I still want to come up with some contests, but not doing great with ideas for them. Anyone want to toss some my way?

Also, don't forget that any past client who leaves a review on my FB Reviews tab earns 20% off their next order, and that also means that those of you who have already left reviews have already earned it.Ads by Yahoo!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Freelancing Event

For anyone who visits here that is a freelancer, you may be interested in this special free online conference event for International Freelancers Day.

If you are interested in learning how you can improve your freelancing business, join me on Friday, September 24th as we attend this informative and beneficial conference!

Click this image to learn more...

Watch the video:

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Attention All Previous Clients!

Hello all! I would like to ask that you please come to my Facebook Fan Page and leave a review for any past jobs I have done for you. There is a designated "Reviews" tab on that page.

As a thank you, I will award you with 20% off of your next order!

All reviews will be added to the Reviews page on my website as well.

And yes, if you've already posted a review in the past, you are already eligible for 20% off your next order!Ads by Yahoo!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Back to blogdrive...

Switching back to this blog for my website. I tried out another blog service, but it wasn't doing to well with updating my rss feed to Facebook.
Thanks for keeping informed about me and my artwork. More entries to follow. :)Ads by Yahoo!
